Sunday, March 21, 2010

Summary of all reflections

From all three reflections, i have learnt that all the animals that are endangered or had extinct are caused by us, the human beings.

For the Tasmanian Devil research, i have learnt that they can get agitated very easily. They are the largest living marsupial carnivore, they are very shy and wary nocturnal animal and a very efficient scavenger. They spent most of their time sniffing the ground in the search of food to eat. They live in hollow logs filled with leaves and grass or other hidden shelters such as wombat burrows. They reach maturity at the age of 3. Their strong jaws allow them to crush bones and chew up tough skin. Their mating season is usually in March and can last to July. Their litters are between 1 and 4. Their lifespan is between the range of 5 to 8.

For the Giant Panda research, i have learnt that they are about 1.2 - 1.5 meters in length and weighs 75 - 160 kg. Panda cubs are tiny at birth, weighing only at around 100g and are totally dependant on their mother for the first few months of life. About 40-60 days after their birth, their eyes open and they begin to walk at about 3-4 months. They begin to eat bamboo at about 5-6 months and are weaned around 8-9 months. At about 18 months of age they leave their mother. Pandas are mature at about 6 years of age. They can live up to 30 years.  They are found only in the bamboo forests in the mountains of central Peoples Republic of China, including the provinces of Gansu, Shaanxi, and Sichuan. They are found 3000 metres above the sea level. They do not have a permanent den to live in. They face a lot of problems in their life. People in China have been saving the Giant Panda.

For the sloth bear research, they are found the forests, scrub jungles and grasslands and mainly in the lower elevations of India, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka. They like drier forest and ones with rocky outcrops. Their gall bladder, bile, claws and genital organs were hunted and are used for traditional in chinese medicines. The males are larger than the females weighing between 176 and 310 pounds. Females weigh between 120 and 209 pounds. They eat ants and termites. They will also eat eggs, birds, flowers, tubers, fruits, grains and meat. Above all, they love honey.

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