Friday, March 19, 2010

Reflection 3- Sloth Bear ( Dancing Bear)

Article title: Sloth Bears - Learn About These Wonderful Bears

Article from:

The article is about the habitat, features, diet and etc.Sloth Bears are found the forests, scrub jungles and grasslands and mainly in the lower elevations of India, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka. They like drier forest and ones with rocky outcrops.


Where these bears used to be found in forests all over India, they are now found in only a few habitats.
The biggest threats to Sloth Bears are: the poaching of adults for body parts -- gall bladder, bile, claws and genital organs -- used in traditional Chinese medicine; poaching of cubs to train as Dancing Bears while killing the mother when she tries to defend her cub; habitat destruction and encroachment of habitat by humans.
Sloth bears have long shaggy fur. There is less fur on it's belly and the back of the legs. The fur color ranges from auburn to black and it has a light colored, elongated snout and a black nose. Their lip is bare (no hair) and like other black bears have a V-shaped creamy colored mark on its chest.
Their sickle-shaped claws are good for climbing and digging. They are 4 inches long, non-retractable and curl under. They also have the longest tail in the bear family, running 6 to 7 inches long, which is hidden in it's fur.

The males are larger than the females weighing between 176 and 310 pounds. Females weigh between 120 and 209 pounds.
Sloth Bears eat ants and termites. They use their long, hard claws to dig in the mounds and their longs snouts to blow the dirt away and suck up their food.
They will also eat eggs, birds, flowers, tubers, fruits, grains and meat. Above all, they love honey and, like their cousin, the Sun Bear, they have been animal's fondness for honey has caused it to be nicknamed the Honey bear.

Sloth Bears are not territorial being their only competitor for termites and ants (their favorite foods) are ant eaters.
Before reading the article,i did not know that Sloth Bear are extincting and humans treated them cruelly. I did not know that they like drier place. They are 4 inches long, non-retractable and curl under. They also have the longest tail in the bear family, running 6 to 7 inches long. The males are larger than the females ones. The males weight between the range of 176 and 310 pounds. The females weight between the range of 120 and 209 pounds. They eat ants and termites,eggs,birds,flowers,tubers,fruits,grains and meat. They love eating honey the most.

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